Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Poem 4 Potter...

Our tale began with a baby boy,
Black hair and bright green eyes;
Left on a doorstep, parents dead
In-laws did naught but keep him alive;

They tried to force his future out,
To make it go away,
But fortunately they did not succeed;
Their wishes did he betray.

They found him on the school's ceiling,
Hiding from the Head,
They blamed him for his cousin's trap,
And for how the snake had fled.

But one day post came pouring in,
At number four Privet Drive,
And though his guardians disagreed,
Soon at Hogwarts he did arrive.

He traveled there by scarlet train,
Breaking free from Dursley's hell,
And so happy he was that before he left,
That pig Dudley had a new tail.

He made two best friends on the way to school,
Though each was at first his stranger,
A red-haired boy called Weasley,
And the witty girl named Granger.

He felt there'd be no finer year,
But three stood poised to spoil;
Some evil lads from Slytherin,
Were Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.

He soon was learning weird subjects,
Like Potions and Transfiguration;
He also found himself in Charms
Practicing the art of levitation;

He searched and searched around the school,
To find a Basketball court;
But instead was picked a Seeker
For the wizarding Quidditch sport.

Now nearing the end of his first term,
His bravery brightly shone,
He fought off evil Lord Voldemort
To save the Philosopher's Stone!

As exam time came and went
He and Ron sought just to pass,
Hermione with all her intelligence
Expectedly topped the class.

And during Hogwarts' final feast,
Even though they'd given up,
The trio along with Neville's help
Had won Gryffindor the Cup!

In the end, he left the school
As days and nights grew hotter,
Forever changed, a scarred young wizard,
He's the famous Harry Potter.

Keep vistin,


Anonymous said...

thnks 4the info

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.