Monday, June 18, 2007

Music of D Skies - 3

I av been fortunate enuf 2 c d rain cme rolling in2 wht mst b D mst beautiful plces on earth. In bangy, a whooshing torrent of water crashed through d palms & on2 d sloping roofs of d houses.Ah,I said ,an Early Monsoon!! 2 b tld ,vd a grin,no,no, dts jst a Premonsoon Showr!
In Ggn,in a circuit house perched on a knoll vd a pic post card view,clouds came boiling through distant passes,filled d valley,obscured evry peak!Nd dn even d nearest trees faded 2 a hazy outline & big cold drops slicede in horizontally, nd Yeaaahh!! ...I ws walking In d cloud!
*As I ryte ds,d distant rumble hs grwn closer, a breeze whips a tree in frnt of d house in2 1st a shivering at d touch of itz sudden embrace,dn quickly in2 a mad dance of reunion...D sun is nowhre 2 b cn.Dre us a flash of lightning & almst immediately d crash of thundr,Itz almst hre...Almst!*


Akul said...

man again and again u continue to impress me with ur fabulous work

Ðõřy said...

Thnx a ton buddy!