Tuesday, June 19, 2007

*Name Origins*

Hey all! Wanna know some name origins?
Here you go!

~Argus - In Greek mythology, Argus was a monster that had a hundred eyes and was ever-so-watchful.

~Beauxbatons - French for "beautiful wands".

~Cedric - Old English for chief or warleader.
~Cho Chang - Cho is Japanese for "butterfly" and Chang is Chinese for "free" or "unhindered".

~Dobby - A fatuous or foolish person(HA!)
~Dumbledore - Means "Bumblebee" in Old English. JK Rowling has said that she chose this name because she imagined Dumbledore walking around the castle, humming to himself.
~Durmstrang - "Sturm und drang" is German phrase meaning storm and stress.
~Expecto Patronum - In latin, expecto is to await/desire/hope for and patronus is protector.
~Fleur Delacour - Means "Flower of the Court" in French. It could also be a clever play on the similar French word 'coeur' meaning heart (Veela's capitivate men's hearts).
~Gilderoy - A highwayman known for being handsome. May also come from the word "gilded," which is defined as having a pleasing, showy appearance, which covers something of little worth. The name "Roy" is old Old French for "regal one" or king.
~Harry - J.K. Rowling's favourite boy's name. The name Harry is of Anglo-Saxon origin and means 'power'. There was also a magician named Harry Houdini in the 1900s.
~Lupin - Lunar means moon. Lupin means wolf-like. Canis Lupus is the scientific Name forwolf.
~Malfoy - "Mal foi" means "bad faith" in French.
~Mundungus - A stinking tobacco.
~Neville - Old French for "from the new farmland.
~Peeves - "Peeve" means "little devil" or something that gets on your nerves (like a pet peeve).
~Quibbler - To quibble means to evade the truth or importance of an issue by raising trivial distinctions and objections
~Rosmerta - In Gaulish Celtic mythology, Rosmerta was the goddess of fire, warmth, and abundance.
~Skeeter, Rita - "Skeeter" is short for "mosquito." As most people can attest, mosquitoes are among the most annoying life-forms on this planet.
~Tom Marvolo Riddle - If you rearrange the letters it spells: "I am Lord Voldemort." The name Tom means twin.
~Viktor (Krum) - His first name means the "victorious one," appropriate for the best seeker in the Quidditch World Cup.
~Voldemort, Lord - . In another language, Voldermort means "Lord of Evil" or "Dark Lord". Voldemort means "flight of death" (meaning escaping death).

Hope u likd it!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gud thought process
kepp going