Tuesday, June 19, 2007

D 7th Buk..

With all you waiting patiently for the seventh book,here is something to work uponand what better than clues left by J.K.Rowling herself???

1] Rowling has revealed that she has already written the last chapter of the book,although she admitted she would probably have to change some of it. It will revealwhat happens to the surviving characters after they leave Hogwarts.

2]The last word in the series is currently 'scar', though Rowling has concededthat this may change as she finishes the novel.

3]The plot of the seventh book will be very closely linked to its immediate predecessor,and in many ways it will form the second part of a two-part story begun in book six.

4]The Potters' profession is important to the plot, and there will be a huge revelation aboutLily Potter.

5]It is very important that Harry has his mother's eyes, and that her wand was good for charms.

6]There will be no scene in which Harry or anyone else is playing Quidditch.

7]Rita Skeeter and Dolores Umbridge will both appear again.

8]Albus Dumbledore's brother Aberforth will probably appear; Rowling has confirmed that he's the barman of the Hog's Head. More about Dumbledore's background will be revealed.

9]The choice between what is right and what is easy will be a pillar of the plot in Harry's last two years at Hogwarts.

10]The author has refused to state whether anyone else was present at Godric's Hollow the night the Potters were killed, which is suggestive that that point has something going for it.

11]According to J.K. Rowling in the Cub Reporter Press conference folstatus. lowing the release of the Half-Blood Prince, the Weasleys find themselves "in the firing line" as a direct result of their "blood-traitor"

12]Rowling has refused to tell curious fans what the forms of Snape's boggart and Patronus are, as such an in-depth look at Snape's greatest fears and most cherished memories would give too much away. This information will finally be revealed.

13]We will see the Weasley car again

14]Krum will make an appearence.

15]We will see harry into his last year at school

16]The spouses of a few of the professors at Hogwarts will have a role to play

17]As the final novel in the series, book seven will close some lines of speculation and provide answers to questions from the previous novels, including the following:
a]The reason for Sirius Black's death. The magical mirror that Sirius gave Harry will appear again.
b]The reason for Dumbledore's "look of triumph"[HP4] upon hearing that Voldemort used Harry's blood to resurrect himself. The fact that Voldemort's veins now contain Harry's blood will be significant.
c]Exactly what Dudley Dursley saw when he encountered the Dementors. d]More information on the correspondence between Professor Dumbledore and Petunia Dursley.
e]More information about the animosity between Sirius Black and Severus Snape.
f]More information on exactly what spell Dumbledore tried to use on Voldemort at the Ministry in Order of the Phoenixg]More information about Harry's scar.

P.S: These are all statements made by JK herself and not just speculation.

1 comment:

Baby Princess said...

Can Hardky wait till the book is released.....