Cant seem to remember nythng xcept brushing me teeth and washing me face...
Waking up in d wee hours 2 drag me ass to work..
Catching a nap in d afternoon when I get so tired...
Setting d alarm if class is scheduled for that day...
Me life appeared 2 hv lost its way...
I dread waking up early in d morning; wheres me sleep??
I frighten myself in the mirror, who's dt in dr..
I am a noob in me new life...
I traded in me soul..
Sick of me job, only waiting to break free.
Thinking if evrythng I do is worth d effort..
Not really d case, but feel dt something's lost...
1 3 10 are me biggest foe, 5 6 7 r me best friends...
I am still trying 2 resist change..
Still nt willing to gve in..
My stubborness will soon get me killed...
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
A Poem 4 Potter...

Our tale began with a baby boy,
Black hair and bright green eyes;
Left on a doorstep, parents dead
In-laws did naught but keep him alive;
They tried to force his future out,
To make it go away,
But fortunately they did not succeed;
Their wishes did he betray.
They found him on the school's ceiling,
Hiding from the Head,
They blamed him for his cousin's trap,
And for how the snake had fled.
But one day post came pouring in,
At number four Privet Drive,
And though his guardians disagreed,
Soon at Hogwarts he did arrive.
He traveled there by scarlet train,
Breaking free from Dursley's hell,
And so happy he was that before he left,
That pig Dudley had a new tail.
He made two best friends on the way to school,
Though each was at first his stranger,
A red-haired boy called Weasley,
And the witty girl named Granger.
He felt there'd be no finer year,
But three stood poised to spoil;
Some evil lads from Slytherin,
Were Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.
He soon was learning weird subjects,
Like Potions and Transfiguration;
He also found himself in Charms
Practicing the art of levitation;
He searched and searched around the school,
To find a Basketball court;
But instead was picked a Seeker
For the wizarding Quidditch sport.
Now nearing the end of his first term,
His bravery brightly shone,
He fought off evil Lord Voldemort
To save the Philosopher's Stone!
As exam time came and went
He and Ron sought just to pass,
Hermione with all her intelligence
Expectedly topped the class.
And during Hogwarts' final feast,
Even though they'd given up,
The trio along with Neville's help
Had won Gryffindor the Cup!
In the end, he left the school
As days and nights grew hotter,
Forever changed, a scarred young wizard,
He's the famous Harry Potter.
Keep vistin,
Black hair and bright green eyes;
Left on a doorstep, parents dead
In-laws did naught but keep him alive;
They tried to force his future out,
To make it go away,
But fortunately they did not succeed;
Their wishes did he betray.
They found him on the school's ceiling,
Hiding from the Head,
They blamed him for his cousin's trap,
And for how the snake had fled.
But one day post came pouring in,
At number four Privet Drive,
And though his guardians disagreed,
Soon at Hogwarts he did arrive.
He traveled there by scarlet train,
Breaking free from Dursley's hell,
And so happy he was that before he left,
That pig Dudley had a new tail.
He made two best friends on the way to school,
Though each was at first his stranger,
A red-haired boy called Weasley,
And the witty girl named Granger.
He felt there'd be no finer year,
But three stood poised to spoil;
Some evil lads from Slytherin,
Were Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.
He soon was learning weird subjects,
Like Potions and Transfiguration;
He also found himself in Charms
Practicing the art of levitation;
He searched and searched around the school,
To find a Basketball court;
But instead was picked a Seeker
For the wizarding Quidditch sport.
Now nearing the end of his first term,
His bravery brightly shone,
He fought off evil Lord Voldemort
To save the Philosopher's Stone!
As exam time came and went
He and Ron sought just to pass,
Hermione with all her intelligence
Expectedly topped the class.
And during Hogwarts' final feast,
Even though they'd given up,
The trio along with Neville's help
Had won Gryffindor the Cup!
In the end, he left the school
As days and nights grew hotter,
Forever changed, a scarred young wizard,
He's the famous Harry Potter.
Keep vistin,
*Name Origins*
Hey all! Wanna know some name origins?
Here you go!
~Argus - In Greek mythology, Argus was a monster that had a hundred eyes and was ever-so-watchful.
~Beauxbatons - French for "beautiful wands".
~Cedric - Old English for chief or warleader.
~Cho Chang - Cho is Japanese for "butterfly" and Chang is Chinese for "free" or "unhindered".
~Dobby - A fatuous or foolish person(HA!)
~Dumbledore - Means "Bumblebee" in Old English. JK Rowling has said that she chose this name because she imagined Dumbledore walking around the castle, humming to himself.
~Durmstrang - "Sturm und drang" is German phrase meaning storm and stress.
~Expecto Patronum - In latin, expecto is to await/desire/hope for and patronus is protector.
~Fleur Delacour - Means "Flower of the Court" in French. It could also be a clever play on the similar French word 'coeur' meaning heart (Veela's capitivate men's hearts).
~Gilderoy - A highwayman known for being handsome. May also come from the word "gilded," which is defined as having a pleasing, showy appearance, which covers something of little worth. The name "Roy" is old Old French for "regal one" or king.
~Harry - J.K. Rowling's favourite boy's name. The name Harry is of Anglo-Saxon origin and means 'power'. There was also a magician named Harry Houdini in the 1900s.
~Lupin - Lunar means moon. Lupin means wolf-like. Canis Lupus is the scientific Name forwolf.
~Malfoy - "Mal foi" means "bad faith" in French.
~Mundungus - A stinking tobacco.
~Neville - Old French for "from the new farmland.
~Peeves - "Peeve" means "little devil" or something that gets on your nerves (like a pet peeve).
~Quibbler - To quibble means to evade the truth or importance of an issue by raising trivial distinctions and objections
~Rosmerta - In Gaulish Celtic mythology, Rosmerta was the goddess of fire, warmth, and abundance.
~Skeeter, Rita - "Skeeter" is short for "mosquito." As most people can attest, mosquitoes are among the most annoying life-forms on this planet.
~Tom Marvolo Riddle - If you rearrange the letters it spells: "I am Lord Voldemort." The name Tom means twin.
~Viktor (Krum) - His first name means the "victorious one," appropriate for the best seeker in the Quidditch World Cup.
~Voldemort, Lord - . In another language, Voldermort means "Lord of Evil" or "Dark Lord". Voldemort means "flight of death" (meaning escaping death).
Hope u likd it!!
Chocolate Frog Cards!!

The following is a list of some of the cards, and the meaning of the name"
*Agrippa (1486–1535)
~Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa was a German Mystic and Alchemist.
~A Sorceress in Greek Mythology who could turn people into Beasts. She lived on the island Aeaea.
~Celtic Irish Goddess of Beauty, Eldest Daughter of the last Druid of Ireland.
~Alberic Grunnion was a powerful wizard from the song og the Nibrlungen. Hengist of Woodcroft Was a Saxon king of britain who help king Vortigern defeat scot and pict rebels.
*Paracelsus (1493–?)
~Alchemical genius.Full name is Auroleus Phillipus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim.
*Ptolemy (85 AD–?)
~Claudius Ptolemy was a Geographer and Astronomer.
*Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
~Considered by many the greatest wizard of modern times, Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the Dark Wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragons blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flamel.
~Famous for his role in the King Arthur Chronicles.
~Morgan le Fay was the child of the Duke of Cornwall and Irgaine, She was a dark witch, and very powerful.
*Andros the Invincible
~Alleged to have been the only known wizard to produce a Patronus the size of a giant.
*Herpo the Foul
~First known creator of the Basilisk
~A Greek soothsayer who defeated the seer Calchas in a contest of their powers.
*Ethelred the Ever-Ready
~Famous for taking offense at nothing and cursing innocent bystanders. Died in Jail.
*Gregory the Smarmy
~Famous originator of Gregory's Unctuous Unction.
*Godric Gryffindor
~Co-founder of Hogwarts. Gave his name to one of the four houses.
*Helga Hufflepuff
~Co-founder of Hogwarts, gave her name to one of the four houses.
*Queen Maeve
~Witch who trained young sorcerers in Ireland prior to the establishment of Hogwarts.
*Merwyn the Malicious
~Credited for the invention of many unpleasant jinxes and hexes.
*Rowena Ravenclaw
~Co-founder of Hogwarts. Came up with the ever changing floor plan. Gave her name to one of the four houses.
*Salazar Slytherin
~Co-Founder of Hogwarts. Gave his name to one of the four houses.
*Uric the Oddball
~Known for being the weirdest wizard of the ages
*Wendelin the Weird
~Alleged to loving being burned at the stake so much that she allowed herself to be captured over 7 times in various disguises.
*Fulbert the Fearful
~Famous for being so cowardly to even leave his own house. Died when a defensive charm backfired and his roof caved in.
*Wilfred Elphick (1112–1199)
~First wizard to be gored by an African Erumpent
*Bridget Wenlock (1202–1285)
~Famous Arithmancer. First to establish the magical properties of the number 7.
*Ignatia Wildsmith (1227–1320)
~Inventor of Floo Powder.
*Cyrpian Youdle (1312–1357)
~Only Quidditch referee to die during a Quidditch match.
*Chauncey Oldridge (1342–1379)
~First known victim of Dragon pox.
*Gifford Ollerton (1390–1441)
~Famous Giant slayer, killed the giant Hengist of Upper Barnton.
*Alberta Toothill (1391–1483)
~Winner of the all England Wizarding Dueling competition of 1430. Famously overcame the favorite, Samson Wiblin, with a blasting charm.
Keep visiting,
Hogwarts, hogwarts,hoggy warty hogwarts
Teach us something please
Whether we be old or bald
or young with scabby knees
our heads could do with filling
for now they are bare and full of air
dead flies and bit of fluff
so teach us something worth knowing
bring back what we’ve forgotten
just do your best,we’ll do the rest
and learn until our brains rot!!!
Keep Cmmting
Teach us something please
Whether we be old or bald
or young with scabby knees
our heads could do with filling
for now they are bare and full of air
dead flies and bit of fluff
so teach us something worth knowing
bring back what we’ve forgotten
just do your best,we’ll do the rest
and learn until our brains rot!!!
Keep Cmmting
Memories serving me sweet,
history meeting me at my feet.
Wishing past things hadn't changed,
considering in my head my evil ways.
What to... do I do not know,
thinking that my life isn't a show.
Alcohol isn't my answer to things,
it was a diamond but not on a ring.
Now I am nothing... just for fun,
no idea what to do... just to know that I'm done.
Goodbye my love...forever sweet,
you are free...your new love I hope you to meet.
*Hws dt??? :D*
history meeting me at my feet.
Wishing past things hadn't changed,
considering in my head my evil ways.
What to... do I do not know,
thinking that my life isn't a show.
Alcohol isn't my answer to things,
it was a diamond but not on a ring.
Now I am nothing... just for fun,
no idea what to do... just to know that I'm done.
Goodbye my love...forever sweet,
you are free...your new love I hope you to meet.
*Hws dt??? :D*
D 7th Buk..
With all you waiting patiently for the seventh book,here is something to work uponand what better than clues left by J.K.Rowling herself???
1] Rowling has revealed that she has already written the last chapter of the book,although she admitted she would probably have to change some of it. It will revealwhat happens to the surviving characters after they leave Hogwarts.
2]The last word in the series is currently 'scar', though Rowling has concededthat this may change as she finishes the novel.
3]The plot of the seventh book will be very closely linked to its immediate predecessor,and in many ways it will form the second part of a two-part story begun in book six.
4]The Potters' profession is important to the plot, and there will be a huge revelation aboutLily Potter.
5]It is very important that Harry has his mother's eyes, and that her wand was good for charms.
6]There will be no scene in which Harry or anyone else is playing Quidditch.
7]Rita Skeeter and Dolores Umbridge will both appear again.
8]Albus Dumbledore's brother Aberforth will probably appear; Rowling has confirmed that he's the barman of the Hog's Head. More about Dumbledore's background will be revealed.
9]The choice between what is right and what is easy will be a pillar of the plot in Harry's last two years at Hogwarts.
10]The author has refused to state whether anyone else was present at Godric's Hollow the night the Potters were killed, which is suggestive that that point has something going for it.
11]According to J.K. Rowling in the Cub Reporter Press conference folstatus. lowing the release of the Half-Blood Prince, the Weasleys find themselves "in the firing line" as a direct result of their "blood-traitor"
12]Rowling has refused to tell curious fans what the forms of Snape's boggart and Patronus are, as such an in-depth look at Snape's greatest fears and most cherished memories would give too much away. This information will finally be revealed.
13]We will see the Weasley car again
14]Krum will make an appearence.
15]We will see harry into his last year at school
16]The spouses of a few of the professors at Hogwarts will have a role to play
17]As the final novel in the series, book seven will close some lines of speculation and provide answers to questions from the previous novels, including the following:
a]The reason for Sirius Black's death. The magical mirror that Sirius gave Harry will appear again.
b]The reason for Dumbledore's "look of triumph"[HP4] upon hearing that Voldemort used Harry's blood to resurrect himself. The fact that Voldemort's veins now contain Harry's blood will be significant.
c]Exactly what Dudley Dursley saw when he encountered the Dementors. d]More information on the correspondence between Professor Dumbledore and Petunia Dursley.
e]More information about the animosity between Sirius Black and Severus Snape.
f]More information on exactly what spell Dumbledore tried to use on Voldemort at the Ministry in Order of the Phoenixg]More information about Harry's scar.
P.S: These are all statements made by JK herself and not just speculation.
1] Rowling has revealed that she has already written the last chapter of the book,although she admitted she would probably have to change some of it. It will revealwhat happens to the surviving characters after they leave Hogwarts.
2]The last word in the series is currently 'scar', though Rowling has concededthat this may change as she finishes the novel.
3]The plot of the seventh book will be very closely linked to its immediate predecessor,and in many ways it will form the second part of a two-part story begun in book six.
4]The Potters' profession is important to the plot, and there will be a huge revelation aboutLily Potter.
5]It is very important that Harry has his mother's eyes, and that her wand was good for charms.
6]There will be no scene in which Harry or anyone else is playing Quidditch.
7]Rita Skeeter and Dolores Umbridge will both appear again.
8]Albus Dumbledore's brother Aberforth will probably appear; Rowling has confirmed that he's the barman of the Hog's Head. More about Dumbledore's background will be revealed.
9]The choice between what is right and what is easy will be a pillar of the plot in Harry's last two years at Hogwarts.
10]The author has refused to state whether anyone else was present at Godric's Hollow the night the Potters were killed, which is suggestive that that point has something going for it.
11]According to J.K. Rowling in the Cub Reporter Press conference folstatus. lowing the release of the Half-Blood Prince, the Weasleys find themselves "in the firing line" as a direct result of their "blood-traitor"
12]Rowling has refused to tell curious fans what the forms of Snape's boggart and Patronus are, as such an in-depth look at Snape's greatest fears and most cherished memories would give too much away. This information will finally be revealed.
13]We will see the Weasley car again
14]Krum will make an appearence.
15]We will see harry into his last year at school
16]The spouses of a few of the professors at Hogwarts will have a role to play
17]As the final novel in the series, book seven will close some lines of speculation and provide answers to questions from the previous novels, including the following:
a]The reason for Sirius Black's death. The magical mirror that Sirius gave Harry will appear again.
b]The reason for Dumbledore's "look of triumph"[HP4] upon hearing that Voldemort used Harry's blood to resurrect himself. The fact that Voldemort's veins now contain Harry's blood will be significant.
c]Exactly what Dudley Dursley saw when he encountered the Dementors. d]More information on the correspondence between Professor Dumbledore and Petunia Dursley.
e]More information about the animosity between Sirius Black and Severus Snape.
f]More information on exactly what spell Dumbledore tried to use on Voldemort at the Ministry in Order of the Phoenixg]More information about Harry's scar.
P.S: These are all statements made by JK herself and not just speculation.
Music of D Skies - 5
Earth hs let ot a breath, nd d air is sweet vd d smell of d vry 1st rain.Dre is a lull.A pause between movemnts.Lightning carves a baton across d sky,thundr booms nd d rain plays a tentative riff on d palm.A gust ov wind nd it all tkes off agn nd ds tym ,dres no hesitation ,no pause ,d tatto on d roof is a single sound ,nd itz accompained by d violent gush of water frm d terrace drain pipes.Lightning silhouettes d players in mid-note nd d thundr goes in2 long crescendo dt sends d pomeranian 2 doors dwn in hysterix .D rain is now OnEnOnStOpNeVeReNdInGcElEbRaTiOn.
* As I ryte ds ..Damnit! I'm nt rytng ds nymre..Frgt d neighbours nd wht dy'll think.I'm nt too old fr a Rain Dance!!*
* As I ryte ds ..Damnit! I'm nt rytng ds nymre..Frgt d neighbours nd wht dy'll think.I'm nt too old fr a Rain Dance!!*
Monday, June 18, 2007
Music of D Skies - 4
Been fortunate 2 c all d beautiful plces,bt Mst of all was even higher up in d air,on a flight frm Delhi 2 Mumbai.Delhi ws baking ,vd temp. in 40s.
As d plane zoomed southwrd frm empty ,burnished blue skies,v flew ovr d monsoon vanguard,harmless puffs of cotton candy.Nd dn d captain tld us 2 belt up,bad weathr ws ahead! My knuckles wnt white as i peeered ahead an angry,murky,swirling wall of cloud dt xtended up,
down n sideways as far d eye cud c...D plane bored str8 through &
I cud c nthng bt dt d wings wre Wet,streaming water!Aftr an age,v wre floating abv an unruly carpet of cloud,brilliant,whiter-dn-detergnt-commercial white,twsted in2 phantasmagorical shapes by passing winds,spires,spirals,whorls,castles,mythical creatures
nd waves hre nd dre ,shafts of sunlite cut through,stirring up d fluffy maelstroms whre dy met thicker clouds.I cmpletely frgt dt
I'm terrified of flying :D
*As I ryte ds dre is a clatter on d plastic roof of me neighbours backyrd.Big heavy drops stipple a pattern on d tiles,nd quicker dn u cn say *D Impressionist Skul*,dy have d surface drenchd!*
As d plane zoomed southwrd frm empty ,burnished blue skies,v flew ovr d monsoon vanguard,harmless puffs of cotton candy.Nd dn d captain tld us 2 belt up,bad weathr ws ahead! My knuckles wnt white as i peeered ahead an angry,murky,swirling wall of cloud dt xtended up,
down n sideways as far d eye cud c...D plane bored str8 through &
I cud c nthng bt dt d wings wre Wet,streaming water!Aftr an age,v wre floating abv an unruly carpet of cloud,brilliant,whiter-dn-detergnt-commercial white,twsted in2 phantasmagorical shapes by passing winds,spires,spirals,whorls,castles,mythical creatures
nd waves hre nd dre ,shafts of sunlite cut through,stirring up d fluffy maelstroms whre dy met thicker clouds.I cmpletely frgt dt
I'm terrified of flying :D
*As I ryte ds dre is a clatter on d plastic roof of me neighbours backyrd.Big heavy drops stipple a pattern on d tiles,nd quicker dn u cn say *D Impressionist Skul*,dy have d surface drenchd!*
Music of D Skies - 3
I av been fortunate enuf 2 c d rain cme rolling in2 wht mst b D mst beautiful plces on earth. In bangy, a whooshing torrent of water crashed through d palms & on2 d sloping roofs of d houses.Ah,I said ,an Early Monsoon!! 2 b tld ,vd a grin,no,no, dts jst a Premonsoon Showr!
In Ggn,in a circuit house perched on a knoll vd a pic post card view,clouds came boiling through distant passes,filled d valley,obscured evry peak!Nd dn even d nearest trees faded 2 a hazy outline & big cold drops slicede in horizontally, nd Yeaaahh!! ...I ws walking In d cloud!
*As I ryte ds,d distant rumble hs grwn closer, a breeze whips a tree in frnt of d house in2 1st a shivering at d touch of itz sudden embrace,dn quickly in2 a mad dance of reunion...D sun is nowhre 2 b cn.Dre us a flash of lightning & almst immediately d crash of thundr,Itz almst hre...Almst!*
In Ggn,in a circuit house perched on a knoll vd a pic post card view,clouds came boiling through distant passes,filled d valley,obscured evry peak!Nd dn even d nearest trees faded 2 a hazy outline & big cold drops slicede in horizontally, nd Yeaaahh!! ...I ws walking In d cloud!
*As I ryte ds,d distant rumble hs grwn closer, a breeze whips a tree in frnt of d house in2 1st a shivering at d touch of itz sudden embrace,dn quickly in2 a mad dance of reunion...D sun is nowhre 2 b cn.Dre us a flash of lightning & almst immediately d crash of thundr,Itz almst hre...Almst!*
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Music of D Skies - 2
Earlier, rains meant FUN!! Itz abt nly tym whn d wrld is nthng bt Brown....D undrgrowth wraps itslf arnd ur sodden sneakers,wet braches lash ur face,u squelch ur way through mud churned up by hundred pairs of feet be4 u.Water trembles past u in burbly streams & garrulous waterfalls & ahead & behind u .Scores of brightly colored wind cheatrs mark d long line of hikers singing through d downpour.
* As I ryte ds,D sky hs grwn darker,thicker greyer clouds av covered d sky.Less sunlight,yes,bt dt hasnt mde difference 2 d temp. Itz muggy & still ,so vrry still.*
* As I ryte ds,D sky hs grwn darker,thicker greyer clouds av covered d sky.Less sunlight,yes,bt dt hasnt mde difference 2 d temp. Itz muggy & still ,so vrry still.*
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Music of D Skies - 1
U knw,dre ws a tym whn d end of summers wre mourned,whn d rains though luvd,wre dreaded.Cz chnge of d season heralded skul's commencement.Evn thn,though,d gloom wuld b washed away vd d 1st showrs,vd d gallop up d stairs 2 d terrace fr d ritual 1st drenching.Nd dn ,offcourse paper boats mst b mde ve pages torn frm NB's n launched in d storm drains while dawdling 1s way ,carefully finding d shortst distnce between puddles 2 splash in en route.
* As im rytng ds ,its sweltering.Me shirt is drenched,me skin prickles & d walls of me room r radiating evn mre heat.Dres an expectnt stillness in d air,a quiet breathless anticipation.Clouds scud across d blue sky,dy r cmng frm d rt direction,bt dre r too few of dm & dy r fluffy n white,practically all silver lining.
Damn! Itz still summer.*
* As im rytng ds ,its sweltering.Me shirt is drenched,me skin prickles & d walls of me room r radiating evn mre heat.Dres an expectnt stillness in d air,a quiet breathless anticipation.Clouds scud across d blue sky,dy r cmng frm d rt direction,bt dre r too few of dm & dy r fluffy n white,practically all silver lining.
Damn! Itz still summer.*
Monsoons,mde fr Lovers.
Does Monsoon mke u feel amorous? Is it D mst romantic seasons of all??
Ancient India's master poet n dramatist Kalidasa certainly thot so,Hres hw..
Flashes of lightning light up d paths of women rushing off fr secret trysts vd dre lovers.Separated lovers cnt do much bt gaze morosely at d falling rain.Some women on d pretex of being scraed of d thundr ,hug dre lovers.In meghaduta ,a rain bearing cloud is d msgr dt helps a lovelorn young man 2 communicate vd his beloved.A yaksha ,an attnednt of KUbera(D god of wealth),aftr being exiled fr a yr ,convinces a passing cloud 2 tke a msg 2 his wife ,who is far away in north,on Mount Kailasa.D yaksha tells d clouds abt d mny beautiful sights it will c on it nrthwrd course!
Ancient India's master poet n dramatist Kalidasa certainly thot so,Hres hw..
Flashes of lightning light up d paths of women rushing off fr secret trysts vd dre lovers.Separated lovers cnt do much bt gaze morosely at d falling rain.Some women on d pretex of being scraed of d thundr ,hug dre lovers.In meghaduta ,a rain bearing cloud is d msgr dt helps a lovelorn young man 2 communicate vd his beloved.A yaksha ,an attnednt of KUbera(D god of wealth),aftr being exiled fr a yr ,convinces a passing cloud 2 tke a msg 2 his wife ,who is far away in north,on Mount Kailasa.D yaksha tells d clouds abt d mny beautiful sights it will c on it nrthwrd course!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Not in the best of mood recently, but luckily still ok for work. Been thinking of many things.. If you are thinking what can i be thinking of all the time, it's as follows.....
~School: to stick to the same course or is there a likelihood of changing..
~Holiday: where to go before being rooted by school
~Inspiration: who should I get that from.. a new outlook in life is required
~Trust: who are the people whom I should not trust ( I am clear who I can)
~Words:The final thing that disturbs me most is the significance of words. However , the most vivid details won't escape me. People already dead or gone scot free then I remember the details..How can words be twisted so easily? ..You said something so significant, and after a few days turned the table around and affirmed that you made the right decision. Well, after this I just found out that I became more & more *me*. The *heck* attitude is back, now even heck-er... More attitude to this person.. Sad love songs never leave me for long, for they are still ultimately my sole companion....:D
Peace Out!!
~School: to stick to the same course or is there a likelihood of changing..
~Holiday: where to go before being rooted by school
~Inspiration: who should I get that from.. a new outlook in life is required
~Trust: who are the people whom I should not trust ( I am clear who I can)
~Words:The final thing that disturbs me most is the significance of words. However , the most vivid details won't escape me. People already dead or gone scot free then I remember the details..How can words be twisted so easily? ..You said something so significant, and after a few days turned the table around and affirmed that you made the right decision. Well, after this I just found out that I became more & more *me*. The *heck* attitude is back, now even heck-er... More attitude to this person.. Sad love songs never leave me for long, for they are still ultimately my sole companion....:D
Peace Out!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
>Faceless Void<
Soon to end the 4th week of May, the fatigue of school and work seem to have kicked in. Though tired, everything seem worthwhile for the fact that every minute spent is productive.The time of the year when the wind direction change is finally here. Unable to forget the excitement I had, happy happy... Leaving the past behind is a big challenge although I can say I am doing quite well :)... Unable to forget the image of the past, unable to find the answer which is not really important now but still hope that time will assist to unveil, unable to feel complete... Moving on fine but experiencing the void.. It isnt that bad, always 2 sides of the coin to everything. Don't wanna complain, appreciate sounds better aint it?..
Monday, May 28, 2007
We live in an atmosphere of Shame,
We are ashamed of evrything dt is Real abt Us!
Ashamed of Ourselves,relatives,Income,
of our Accents,of our Opinions,of our Experience..
Jst as V r of our Naked skins!!
Peace Out!!
We are ashamed of evrything dt is Real abt Us!
Ashamed of Ourselves,relatives,Income,
of our Accents,of our Opinions,of our Experience..
Jst as V r of our Naked skins!!
Peace Out!!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Question fr D Day...
~*In D Chicken & Egg story,Which cme 1st??*~
I Blive D chicken cme 1st!! D chicken gts busy, scratchng & scratchng & strts getting sufficient wrms & strts laying Goldn Eggs!!
U'll nvr find a stressful chicken...dy r alwys too busy!!
I Blive D chicken cme 1st!! D chicken gts busy, scratchng & scratchng & strts getting sufficient wrms & strts laying Goldn Eggs!!
U'll nvr find a stressful chicken...dy r alwys too busy!!
I Wonder.
I wonder what I should do...
Where I should go...
What I want to do...
Where I want to go...
I wonder how I should do thing...
Without failing...
Without hurting others...
Without ruin things...
I wonder what my life...
Is offering me....
What options will be handed me by others..
What to do with them...
So many questions, I wonder...
Maybe I get answers one day...
Maybe I won't...
Where I should go...
What I want to do...
Where I want to go...
I wonder how I should do thing...
Without failing...
Without hurting others...
Without ruin things...
I wonder what my life...
Is offering me....
What options will be handed me by others..
What to do with them...
So many questions, I wonder...
Maybe I get answers one day...
Maybe I won't...
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I Want...
I want to be a good student
I want to forget the unhappy past
I want to go spotting
I want to go travelling
I want to be a better person
I want to spend time at cafes
I want to stay out of the rat race
I want to wake up late
I want to have all the time in the world for myself
I want to stay away from all dirty office politics
I want to keep mosquitos out of my room
I want to sleep more
I need to curb my temper and cut vulgarities
I need to broaden my heart and mind
I need to be a daughter as good as I can be
I need to drink more water
I need to have my own stand
I need to stay focused
I need to keep unneccesary people off my life
I need to protect myself
I need to be more independant
I need to appear more involved
I need to be happy
I need to let go of everything that hurts
I need to live my own life..
I want to forget the unhappy past
I want to go spotting
I want to go travelling
I want to be a better person
I want to spend time at cafes
I want to stay out of the rat race
I want to wake up late
I want to have all the time in the world for myself
I want to stay away from all dirty office politics
I want to keep mosquitos out of my room
I want to sleep more
I need to curb my temper and cut vulgarities
I need to broaden my heart and mind
I need to be a daughter as good as I can be
I need to drink more water
I need to have my own stand
I need to stay focused
I need to keep unneccesary people off my life
I need to protect myself
I need to be more independant
I need to appear more involved
I need to be happy
I need to let go of everything that hurts
I need to live my own life..
Monday, May 14, 2007
-=|BrOkEn sOuL|=-

Sumtyms..yu needa let things happen...
weder it turns out good or bad...
don try 2 control it..& make it d way yu want..
jus let it happen,if it was meant 2 b,it will
if it wasn,den yu jus gotta accept it..
yu need 2 trust wat yu hav,& let it go..
if its yurs,it cums bak wid tym...
if it never cums bak,den it never was yurs...
have faith....n don break....
have faith....n don break....
leave it 2 tym 2 fix a mistake ..
don try 2 hard in extreme situations..
it'll jus lead 2 heart breakin cnversations..
yu gotta trust wat yu hav..
accpt rejection,dont fade..
things dt r broken...rnt meant 2 b made.
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Darkness surrounds ma atmosphere ..suffocation is in d air. so lost n m so ground i cnt find ma way agn... this emptiness kills frm within lost in dreams n in deep sins.. commitments i refuse 2 mke my lifes gne..n dis is d end ... i do nt realize ma worth no identification evr vil b found time iz a healer so say ol bt nothing vil evr mend dis wound when trust is lost n hpe is gne surrounded by the clouds of pain entangled in d cobweb of time where nothin stil remains d same... memory loss; interaction;extroversion intelligence bound nt 2 think elaboration..collaboration, my mind iz nw abt 2 sink ...confusion;hesitation;agitation n frustation strangeness to its height hs led 2 a spiteful separation ..retardation n irritation surround my atmosphere brought with me painful memories...I dnt knw wht 2 do ...Peace.
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