Monday, May 14, 2007

-=|BrOkEn sOuL|=-

Sumtyms..yu needa let things happen...
weder it turns out good or bad...
don try 2 control it..& make it d way yu want..
jus let it happen,if it was meant 2 b,it will
if it wasn,den yu jus gotta accept it..
yu need 2 trust wat yu hav,& let it go..
if its yurs,it cums bak wid tym...
if it never cums bak,den it never was yurs...
have faith....n don break....
leave it 2 tym 2 fix a mistake ..
don try 2 hard in extreme situations..
it'll jus lead 2 heart breakin cnversations..
yu gotta trust wat yu hav..
accpt rejection,dont fade..
things dt r broken...rnt meant 2 b made.


Akul said...

another masterpiece made by sakshi aka dory
marvellous is the word i will use for this
each and every word has its own identity

Anonymous said...

Ummmmmmmmmmmmm..That was a long pause from my side Aint it.....Its nice no doubts bout that but sweets i hope you follow it too and soo do all your friends who appreciate your words , rather your thoughts.....BE HAPPY.....Kajal....

Baby Princess said...


Anonymous said...

borkn GIRL
whts up with u?
u bein a pssimist whn u nvr wre 1
wht wrong?
have positive attiude(wht u used to say)

Peace. said...

leave it 2 tym 2 fix a mistake

R u prepard 2 let it b fixd again?